Sheep Barn Raising

Be a part of our mission!

Sheep Barn Raising image

Dear Animal Lovers and Kind Souls,

We are reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea to help us raise $25,000 to build a much-needed barn for our beloved rescued sheep at Berkshire Farm Sanctuary.

Every day, we witness the resilience and beauty of these gentle creatures who have overcome unimaginable hardships. They have found solace and safety in our sanctuary, but we are in desperate need of a new shelter to provide them with the comfort they deserve.

Currently, our sheep are in the horse barn which inhibits us from rescuing any equine or other animals at this time. With your support, we can take the big run in shed and create a forever barn for them. We will provide them with a secure home, with new roofing, stalls, electric, and running water and where they can seek refuge from the cold, wind, and rain.

Your donation will not only provide physical shelter but also symbolize hope and compassion for these animals who have been through so much. It will allow us to continue our mission of providing a loving home for animals in need and educating the community about the importance of kindness towards all living beings.

Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to our goal. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these precious sheep and ensure they live out their days in peace and comfort.

Thank you for your generosity and for standing with us in our mission to create a better world for all beings.

-Dori Scofield